Things I’ve found along the way

Jordan Strang
4 min readOct 23, 2023


  • Running till you hear nothing.
  • Wondering at art.
  • Finding chance inspiration.
  • Anything from the eighties.
  • Lyrics buried in songs.
  • Laughing from the heart.
  • Believing absolutely.
  • Trading stories of questionable judgement.
  • Thinking deep and true.
  • Strangers becoming friends.
  • The smell of an old book.
  • Dreaming far and wide.
  • Hearing people doing well.
  • Late night ideas.
  • The smell of cut grass.
  • Sitting on the beach at night.
  • Being silly.
  • Punctual people.
  • Listening to someone amaze me.
  • People with their head in the clouds.
  • Playing outside.
  • Goodbyes becoming hellos again.
  • Drawing mindlessly.
  • Becoming lost in the music.
  • A smile from a stranger.
  • Making stuff happen.
  • Doing it for the love of it.
  • Looking and learning.
  • Salt water on hot skin.
  • Rolling wheels on concrete.
  • Do-gooders and champions.
  • Trailblazers and change artists.
  • Gumboot wearing die-hard sports supporters.
  • The possibilities within a pack of coloured pencils.
  • Paddling out just before the sun comes up.
  • A still lake on a warm day.
  • Going where I’ve never been.
  • Hearing a song that knocks you flat.
  • The smell of surfboard wax.
  • Listening to a seashell.
  • Sand between my toes.
  • Travelling with no concerns.
  • Handmade bits and pieces.
  • My home, land and sea.
  • Clean, green shiny seas.
  • Road trips to somewhere new.
  • The place where a book takes you.
  • Sense of humour and wit.
  • Photos that represent the moment.
  • A pair of jandals that take you everywhere.
  • Experimenting with here and now.
  • Being a dad.
  • Imagining how it could be.
  • Tackling language.
  • The five senses and their differences.
  • Perfection and imperfections.
  • Fixing things that are broken.
  • Being blown away by good food.
  • A well worn, read and loved book.
  • Finding the finish line.
  • Talking together to make it better.
  • Realising and understanding.
  • Hearing it become clearer.
  • Finding nuggets of gold through toil.
  • Getting it right.
  • Seeing people shine bright.
  • Experiencing unexpected goodness.
  • Shooting for the moon.
  • Finding the right amount of crazy.
  • Going with a gut feeling.
  • Getting amongst it.
  • Flashbacks and flickering memories.
  • The huge variety of bird songs.
  • Changes in the weather.
  • Advice from someone in the know.
  • Sparking information against inspiration.
  • Evolution versus revolution.
  • Making someone’s day.
  • Watching someone who is awesome at it.
  • Unwavering commitment.
  • Success, despite the odds.
  • Breaking new ground.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Tried and true recipes.
  • Getting it done.
  • A brand new board.
  • Going fast downhill.
  • Making stuff that works.
  • Meeting good people.
  • Epiphanies and revelations.
  • Safe take-offs and landings.
  • The waves of the sea kissing the earth.
  • Glory and consequence.
  • Walking with someone.
  • Meaning what I say.
  • Gifts from friends that know what you like.
  • Hidden messages revealed.
  • Good people getting together.
  • Turning it around for the better.
  • Putting pen to paper.
  • Keeping drunken promises.
  • Holding tight to what you love.
  • Seeing someone who is a natural.
  • Sleeping till I feel new again.
  • Doing more with less.
  • Weathering a big storm.
  • Finding what was once lost.
  • Rolling up my sleeves.
  • Movies that are worth the watch.
  • Dressing up and dressing down.
  • Typography set sweetly.
  • Cult movies and the world they occupy.
  • Moustaches and the month of movember.
  • Drinking the wild air.
  • Umbrellas and the moment you need one.
  • Questioning it all.
  • Unashamedly dancing wildly.
  • Grids, patterns and equations.
  • Picture books and story books.
  • Inventions and surprises.
  • Sketches and half thoughts.
  • Processes and methods.
  • Making the ordinary extraordinary.
  • Colour and balance.
  • Bright, dazzling radiant goodness.
  • Living in the sunshine.
  • Having a mission ahead.
  • Bookshelves with clout.
  • Finely inked illustrations.
  • Creations, reactions, myths and legends.
  • Hope and innocence.
  • Those that went before us.
  • Finding answers everywhere.
  • Repetition, manipulation and mysticism.
  • Playing nice and playing hard.
  • Collecting and sharing.
  • Backflips, frontflips and mctwists.
  • Birds far above.
  • Lightning and what always follows.
  • Chasing dreams relentlessly.
  • Light versus dark.
  • The momentum of good ideas.
  • Using my hands.
  • Cool breeze on a hot street.
  • Nature and awe-inspiring animals.
  • Reading more books.
  • Trusting my instincts.
  • Learning from my friends.
  • Doing what I want to do.
  • Getting excited about creating.
  • A cup of tea and a bikky.
  • Searching for simplicity.
  • Cycling on a gravel track.
  • Sunsets in summertime.
  • Kind natured dogs.
  • Having fun along the way.
  • Making it desirable.
  • Being fearless when I need to be.
  • Taking things to new places.
  • When someone takes me somewhere nice.
  • Getting carried away in the moment.
  • Becoming nostalgic all of a sudden.
  • Making the drop when it’s heaving.
  • Sleeping under the stars.
  • Breaking things down.
  • Being warmly welcomed.
  • Playing to win.
  • Using rarely heard words appropriately.
  • Embracing colourful language.
  • A full belly and a full glass.
  • Someone lending a hand.
  • My lovely brothers and sisters.
  • Feeling better again.
  • Getting out the back after the paddle.
  • Playing guitar with friends.
  • Being on the beach well after dark.
  • Being there in time.
  • Getting up and getting out.
  • Someone sharing new music.
  • Troubles fading away.
  • Celebrating with like-minded lunatics.
  • Knowing you can depend on someone.
  • Creation through collaboration.
  • Acoustic instruments played nearby.
  • The ocean and the mysteries beneath.
  • Genuinely cooperative characters.
  • Showers with good water pressure.
  • Putting it into third to climb a hill.
  • Green fields ripe for running.
  • New bearings and a hill.
  • Getting a notion and going with it.
  • Spray paint and a restless mind.
  • Man went to the moon and took a golf club.
  • Being transported back in time by music.
  • Deconstructing complexity.
  • Understanding where someone is coming from.
  • Hearing an exciting tale told for the first time.
  • Getting shouted a round.
  • Hard work, courage and determination.
  • Finding the line and crossing it.
  • Watching impossibilities evaporate.
  • Kids books that are made for adults too.
  • Finding winding gravel roads.



Jordan Strang

I work in the small space between what the brand wants to say and what the people want to hear.